Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Training a Multilingual Environment in SharePoint

Training a Multilingual Environment in SharePoint

Multilingual SharePoint? Si, Oui and Já!

Multilingual SharePoint Training? Ne, Nej and Nein!

Do a Google search for “multilingual SharePoint training” and you’ll find an endless series of links providing information about how easy it is to get the SharePoint platform to adapt itself to the needs of a multilingual world.  And while that’s true, and Microsoft has done an incredible job in making SharePoint a great multilingual platform, it’s not what you were searching for. Multilingual SharePoint training is almost impossible to find.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Answer to SharePoint Adoption: Surprise! It’s Not Yammer!

Answer to SharePoint Adoption: Surprise! It's Not Yammer!

Want SharePoint Adoption?

Get Corporate Communications involved.

If you are familiar with SharePoint, then you are well aware that lack of adoption is an almost universal issue in the community.  Several high-caliber studies indicate adoption rates as low as 22% (and that’s using the measurement of one visit per day!)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Non-Destructive SharePoint Branding

Non-Desructive SharePoint Branding

Branding has always been a fun topic for me, this is especially so when it comes to Branding SharePoint.  I have a pretty varied background, but the time I spent in corporate operations gives me a tremendous appreciation for what SharePoint can do in the right hands. You can make miracles every day.

Monday, October 7, 2013

4 Keys to SharePoint Adoption: Key #1

4 Keys to SharePoint Adoption: Key #1


Key #1: Valuable Content

In this Four Part Blog Series, we will focus on, what we think are, the most important solutions to achieving a higher SharePoint Adoption rate inside an organization.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Migrate Without Losing Your SharePoint Branding

Migrate Without Losing Your SharePoint Branding

 Is this even possible?

Well, yes and no.  Yes, if you branded a very specific way.  No, if you brand the way most people do.

Looks Stellar, but is Problematic

It’s pretty much understood that most people, especially senior management, take issue with the appearance of out-of-the-box SharePoint. The companies with the budget might immediately throw a developer or two at the problem. They’ll ask them to make SharePoint look more like a “website”. If the appearance of their intranet is especially important to them, they’ll even hire an outside company to “brand” their intranet. While the result often looks stellar, if not done correctly, it can be even more problematic when it comes time to migrate to a newer version of SharePoint.

Intranet Training: Every Cube is a Classroom

Intranet Training: Every Cube is a Classroom

 New Strategies in Intranet Training

There’s a new strategy emerging for training employees in technical intranet procedures. I’m speaking, of course, about online training and support provided as a series of brief video snips. Bite-sized training modules that are easily searchable inside your existing intranet are proving more compelling and cost-effective than the traditional intranet training model.